Nuprl Lemma : ecl-machine3-realizes 11,40

ds:fpf(Id; x.Type), da:fpf(Knd; k.Type), x:Id, T:Type, ks:(Knd List),
a:((k:{k:Knd| (k  ks)} decl-state(ds)ma-valtype(dak)T)), snd:msg-spec(dsda), i:Id.
 l_all(ks; Knd; k.((isrcv(k))  (i = destination(lnk(k))  Id)))
 l_all(ks; Knd; k.(fpf-dom(Kind-deq; kda)))
 ((fpf-dom(id-deq; xds)))
 R-realizes(es.l_all(remove-repeats(idlnk-deq; msg-spec-links(snd));
 R-realizes(es.l_all(l.(es-decls(es;source(l);fpf-join(id-deq; ds; fpf-single(xT));da)
 R-realizes(es.l_all( with decls fpf-join(id-deq; ds; fpf-single(xT)) 
 R-realizes(es.l_all( with decls da
 R-realizes(es.l_all( sends on l from e 
 R-realizes(es.l_all( include if deq-member(Kind-deq; es-kind(ese); ks)
 R-realizes(es.l_all( include then tagged-list-messages(es-state-when(ese);
 R-realizes(es.l_all( include then tagged-list-messages(es-val(ese);
 R-realizes(es.l_all( include then tagged-list-messages((ecl-m3(asndxl)(es-kind(ese))))
 R-realizes(es.l_all( include else []
 R-realizes(es.l_all( include fi  
 R-realizes(es.l_all( and only these for tags in ecl-tags(lsnd)))) 

Definitionst.1, top, guard(T), sq_type(T), P  Q, P  Q, ff, subtype(ST), tt, P  Q, A  B, x,yt(x;y), False, A c B, x:AB(x), xt(x), t  T, P  Q, prop{i:l}, if b then t else f fi , IdLnk, ecl-machine3(dsdaxTksasnd), A, l_all(LTx.P(x)), P  Q, msg-spec(dsda), decl-state(ds), (x  l), fpf(Aa.B(a)), x:AB(x), msg-spec-loc(sndi), decidable(P), msg-item(dsdakl), msg-spec-loc-decl(sndida), fpf-cap(feqxz), Unit, x(s1,s2), x(s), , , , ma-valtype(dak)
LemmasR-lnk-tags-compat2, R-compat wf, decidable equal IdLnk, msg-spec-loc-decl-implies, member-remove-repeats, nil member, decidable assert, fpf-ap wf, member map, bool sq, fpf wf, product-deq wf, bool cases, member-ecl-tags, no repeats-ecl-tags, normal-ds-single, fpf-single wf, normal-ds-join, R-lnk-tags-rule, ma-valtype wf, decl-state wf, nat wf, pi2 wf, pi1 wf, msg-item wf, IdLnk wf, normal-type wf, normal-ds wf, normal-da wf, lnk wf, ldst wf, isrcv wf, l all wf2, msg-spec-loc-decl wf, Kind-deq wf, fpf-trivial-subtype-top, id-deq wf, Id wf, fpf-dom wf, es-tag wf, es-lnk wf, not functionality wrt iff, assert of bnot, eqff to assert, not wf, bnot wf, es-isrcv wf, es-decls-iff, es-vartype wf, es-state-subtype, es-state-when wf, rcv wf, Knd wf, top wf, fpf-cap wf, tagged-list-messages wf, assert-deq-member, eqtt to assert, assert wf, iff transitivity, bool wf, es-sends-iff wf, select wf, length wf1, ecl-m3 wf, ecl-tags wf, fpf-single wf3, fpf-join wf, R-lnk-tags wf, l member wf, msg-spec-links wf, idlnk-deq wf, remove-repeats wf, R-all-rule
